Frequently Asked Questions

Is the first appointment really free?

Yep.  As far as I know, I’m the only chiropractor in the Bay Area that fully covers your first appointment.  The average range for a first chiropractic visit is between $30 and $200.  I chose to offer the initial visit for free because the vast majority of people have never seen a chiropractor, and I love being people's first experiences with chiropractic (and natural health in general).

 A lot of times our instincts will tell us to be unsure of something new, and the conscious parts of our brain will try and make a logical excuse to not do it.  Making the first appointment free removes one of the biggest excuses.  You will come in for your appointment, leave more in tune with your body, and know that this is something that you need to get the most out of life.

Do you take insurance?

At this time I’m not working with any insurance companies directly, however many patients are able to use their HSA and FSA cards to cover visits. Depending on your insurance, you may be able to file paid invoices for reimbursement. Regardless of whether or not your insurance is able to reimburse you, your initial appointment is free.

I chose not to take insurance in my practice because it would limit the type of care I could provide you to what insurance companies have billing codes for.  My care centers around doing everything I can to keep you out of the system of dependency on painkillers.  The unfortunate truth is that maintaining health through holistic care is usually not covered by insurance.  The current healthcare model centers around the treatment of symptoms of disease and illness. 

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractors release areas of tension and dysfunction in your spine.  When your body is working the way it was designed (without using excess energy to maintain areas of injury or trauma) you’ll start to feel the way you used to.  We tend to feel worse as we age not because that’s normal, but because we don’t address our issues and they start to pile up.  Instead of masking these things with pills, chiropractors make recommendations to increase systemic health.

Is chiropractic safe?

Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of healthcare.  Statistically, it’s hundreds of times safer than an ibuprofen.  Chiropractic has even been proven to reduce opioid use for people with spinal pain.  For non-emergencies, I recommend taking a low-intervention approach when it comes to your health and trying natural things before resorting to higher-intervention treatments like pills and surgeries.

Can chiropractic help ________?

Oftentimes when we feel a set of symptoms, we are quick to try to label it with the name of a condition or disease.  I’ve been asked if chiropractic can help low back pain, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliitis, mid-back pain, neck/cervical pain, headaches, neuropathy, and vertigo.  These are all conditions that people have asked me about, and I’m sure it could be convincing for me to tell you “I can cure all of your problems!”  Although I often have success with easing these complaints, the true healing happens outside of my office.  Making incremental changes to your lifestyle to help strengthen your body and build resilience is the best way to prevent injuries from reoccurring.  If you’re not willing to make necessary life changes, chiropractic may only be beneficial short-term.

How often should I see a chiropractor?

Unfortunately, that question is impossible to answer.  What I can say is that my goal is to give you everything you to not need me long term.  That’s why your first appointment comes with any lifestyle recommendations, occupational recommendations, and an exercise program specific to you.  Healing and growth happens at different rates for every individual, and ultimately you know what works best for your body.

Do you need to take X-rays?

I do not take any X-rays in office.  Sending you out for X-rays is extremely rare. Chiropractic is low-intervention with minimal risks associated.  If you have a broken bone, osteoporosis, or any other systemic disease that affects bone health, please let me know beforehand.